Saturday, April 05, 2008

An announcement to my three readers

If my small cadre of readers would take a moment and look in the comments of my last entry, 'Taste the Yellow', they'll see that two comments were left in regards to it. It's actually only one comment, posted twice, but I thought it deserved a rebuttal from yours truly.

The comment reads, in its entirety, 'What the heck is synesthesia?' The comment was also posted by Anonymous. Now, I don't think it was the Youtube group that has declared war on Scientology, and I don't know that it was one of you, dear readers, although I am looking Blake appraisingly, but I would like to pass something on to the person who took the time to comment.

Find a dictionary.

A bitchy response, I'll admit. Nevertheless, I stand by it.

I can almost hear the type of statement my response will evoke. "Find a dictionary? What, you mean haul myself off my avoirdupois (look it up, dammit!), walk across the room, and open a book? What am I, Amish? This is the digital age, buddy! I oughta get my learnin' like I get my porn! With very little effort! And no pants!

"Hell, they oughta mix the two! Call it 'porno-cation', or 'edu-nography' or somethin'! Hell, if they'd had that in my day, I'da made it past fifth grade! Hell, I'da been early every day!

"With no pants!"


Anonymous said...

Dearest Carter,

How dare you.

I always sign my name to my comments, and wouldn't be so cowardly as to ask you what a word means and then not sign my name.

I also am well aware of wikipedia, and would look up a word I've never seen before on my own (see synesthesia, avoirdupois, book). And when we talk on the phone, seldom do I not swallow my pride and say, "Geez, Carter, ya know yer much gooder than me in the smartz department; what's Storm and Drain?"

In short, I resent your accusation, as well as the haughty 'appraising' look you're giving me. I'm hurt, aggrieved, agonized, bruised, buffeted, bunged up, burned,contused, crushed, cut, indignant,and many other colorful terms which can be found at this helpful link:

By the way, what the hell IS synesthesia, anyway?



Anonymous said...

There! Jerk away crazy pantless word loving caterpillar face. No one is watching.

What does synesthesia mean, again?

Da Bat Mulloch