Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mom Story #2: Uh, my bad...

So, I was travelling with the circus. This was back around the turn of the century, of course. Out on the road, footloose and fancy-free, hanging with the clowns and the elephants and the rest of the weirdos that make up a circus. Just rolling form town to town, ingesting various substances, drinking at bars, and engaging in the daily Russian roulette that was eating in the chow trailer. It was glorious.

Anyway, one day, an off day when we didn't have the show going, it occurred to be that I should probably call my parents, just to check in and see how they were doing.

"It's about time!" My mother greeted my call with less enthusiasm than I'd expected.

"Geez," I said, a bit hurt, "it hasn't been that long."

"FOUR MONTHS!", came the rather loud reply.

Really? Dammit.....

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