In that no one has been around with a video camera when I've done really stupid things. Like the time I scraped off a rear-view mirror on my parents car because I hadn't noticed the pole I was backing into. Or the uncountable occasions I have tripped on steps, or accidentally spit while talking, or almost knocked down a chandelier while putting on a coat with too much enthusiasm. Don't ask.
I say this because lately I've had access to a computer for long periods of time, and I've found myself spending a lot of it watching YouTube, seeing clips of people doing stupid things and hurting themselves. I can't help it. It's just so wonderful, seeing all of the things bored people do, usually guys, usually young, that end up damaging them. Not permanently, mind you. I'm not chuckling to video of kids mistakenly chopping off their arms or anything. But some of it's pretty close. And it's all 'there-but-for-the-grace-of-god-go-I' kind of stuff, things I can see myself taking part in without a thought, and then wondering why the hell my arm's suddenly going off at an odd angle. I suggest these video's to anyone, just because you'll spend a couple of days being a little more careful about even the simplest tasks. This stuff could happen to any of us, really. It could be me doing that.
Except for the kid who dropped a lit firecracker into his pants, just to see what would happen. He's an idiot, pure and simple. Lucky for the rest of the species, I don't think he'll be able to breed.
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