Friday, March 07, 2008

Ah, yesterday

Remember yesterday? When today was tomorrow, and tomorrow was a couple of days from now? Yesterday, when a couple of days ago was yesterday, because yesterday was today? Last week was still last week, and next week was still next week, unless yesterday was the end of the week, so that next week was this week, and this week had suddenly become last week?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Carter. What are you doing to me? I've had about four beers and a couple Jack and Cokes; and honest to Pete, my feeble brain can't take this shit. Whatever they're giving you over there, I expect some to arrive in the mail toot suite. I'll send you my Zach Galifiniakis DVD if you do. By the way, I'm going to send our old stuff to you toninght or tomorrow. I hope you're doing well, and I'll talk to you later! -Blake