Monday, February 26, 2007

More Action! More amicus briefs! More of our Native Brethren!

I find my heart embiggened today. For today, my bosses at Smogtrouser Comics have commissioned a second comics book series from yours truly, legendary creator of the Spork.

My new series will be more down to earth, more focused on real life problems. The hero is the first Native American appointed to the Supreme Court. By day, he and his stalwart allies wrestle with the thorny problem of testing the constitutionality of our laws, and by night, he fights crime in the nations capitol as Chief Justice! Garbed in a mask, judicial robe, and traditional Indian headdress, Chief Justice fights such enemies as: The Landgrabber! Captain Al-Kai-Hol! and, of course, Doctor Syphilis and his amazing infected blanket! And, of course, Chief Justice's arch-nemesis, the shadowy head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs!

Keep yer eyes peeled for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As with the first series I will buy every copy at my local comic book store. Great job on the first series I can only hope this new series keeps with your reputation of the best comic book writer I know.